


As usual, I spend my days drinking and watching "Ed Stafford's tough survival videos", just to feel like I'm surviving in the savannah or deep in the jungle.

As I watched the videos, I thought, "This guy speaks damn English," so I looked it up and found out that Ed Stafford was British. I'm not fluent in English at all, but I know that much.

I've been thinking for a while now that there's a big difference between British and American English. The difference is about the difference in dialect for Japanese, isn't it? It's not so much "different language".

I lived in Kagoshima city when I was still a child prodigy, but I lived in Kagoshima prefecture for a few years. I lived in Kagoshima city for a few years. I became a Kagoshima dialect pera-pera very easily because I was a child, but I couldn't understand most of what local old man and woman said. But I couldn't understand most of what the local old man and woman said. I think my friends didn't understand it either. The difference between British English and American English seems to be smaller than that.

The only thing that struck me was that when we were asked to read out the textbook during Japanese language class, everyone used standard English. One time, a girl in my class started reading in a dialect, and both she and her classmates burst out laughing at how strange it was. It seems that "listening to the textbook" is similar to "listening to the announcer read the news".

By the way, when I first landed in Kagoshima, I saw an illustration of Mr. Saigou and a sign saying "Welcome to Kagoshima" with furigana on it. I used to sit back and relax. I didn't actually meet anyone who used those words, though.



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