What the hell was that brand symbol in my dream the other day?
Needless to say, this question is one that will affect the future of humanity.
Of course, the future of humanity is as important to me as raw oysters, so I licked my way through all the volumes of the manga Cobra and finally found the relevant part.
And what I thought were "subterranean people" were "Martian cavemen".
But it's not quite right.
But today, I had a lightning bolt of inspiration.
This is Guy-Manuel de Omen-Christo of Daft Punk. Yes, the brand mark that appeared in my dream was the profile of this helmet.
Oh, thank goodness. I have saved humanity from the danger of extinction again. As usual, I can't thank you enough, but if you insist, you can simply give me Bank of Japan notes, securities, expensive goods, land and building rights, etc., issued by the Bank of Japan.
The Kanashibari Channel is cooler than Daft Punk!
If you don't subscribe soon, the future of humanity is going to look like that!
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