Nowadays, there are many kinds of sake cups available. A while ago, I found a shochu cup and bottled it up, but I don't think there were any sake cups like this at that time.
One cup of Yamada Nishiki, just over 200 yen. Isn't that a bit too affordable? If you ask me, the one-cup of Seven Shochikubai I found at Seven the other day was about 150 yen. Of course, if you convert the price per unit, the smaller the cup is, the worse the cost performance is, but it's just so affordable.
One cup (or canned chuhai) and an old man with a racing newspaper used to be a set, but the One cup of those days and the One cup of today are completely different. The old One Cups were sweet and tasted bad, but this one was just as good as it should have been.
By the way, there used to be a One-Cup that could be heated up, right? I've never bought one myself, so I don't know how it works. I don't think I see them anymore, but I wonder. I'd like to buy one now that I've lost my resistance to one-cups, if there are any.
Today's "Kanashibari 30 Second Video" is "Digital Halucination". The highlight of the video is my Jojo-ness!
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