

The Two Biggest Hangovers


To put it bluntly, there are two types of liquor: distilled liquor and brewed liquor.

Distilled liquors include shochu, tequila, whiskey, and gin. On the other hand, brewed sake is represented by sake, beer, and wine. Distilled sake and brewed sake are made differently, but that's not what I want to talk about today.

It's generally said that brewed liquor tends to give you a hangover, while distilled liquor doesn't. Is that true for everyone?

I'm the complete opposite. Tequila and gin are two of the biggest hangover killers, and shochu is often said to be less likely to give you a hangover, but for me, it's more likely to give me a hangover. I've never heard of tequila or gin being hangover resistant, and on the other hand, I don't think I've ever had a hangover from sake.

According to my research, "In distilled sake, nutrients such as sugar and amino acids are lost through distillation and only the alcohol is extracted, but in brewed sake, nutrients remain along with the alcohol. However, brewed sake retains nutrients along with the alcohol, and these nutrients slow down the breakdown of alcohol, making brewed sake more susceptible to hangovers than distilled sake.

I've always wondered if people really believe that brewed liquor is more likely to give you a hangover and distilled liquor is less likely to.


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