

Red and White Wine with Muscat


Not long ago, I would have answered "beer" to the question "what is your favorite drink? I used to immediately answer "beer" when asked what my favorite drink was, but lately I'm at a loss for an answer. But it's not like I've woken up to a new kind of sake. or "I want to drink this! It's just that I don't have that craving anymore. I wonder if I'm going to die.

By the way, the difference between red and white wine depends on the method of production (red wine is made by fermenting the whole grape, including the skins and seeds, while white wine is made by removing the skins and fermenting the squeezed juice), but I wondered what would happen if red wine was made from Muscat grapes. I looked it up and found that red wine made from Muscat Bailey A seems to be the major one. However, this "Muscat Bailey A" is not the green one that we are familiar with as food in Japan, but a black grape.

When I looked further into it, I found white wine, but I couldn't find any red wine, or any wine made with a method classified as red. I found white wine, but I couldn't find any red wine, or wine made by a method classified as red.

I wonder what it would be like if you fermented the whole green Muscat, including the skin and seeds? If anyone knows, please let me know.


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