Up until the other day, whenever I opened Youtube, "The Empty Ear Hour" always showed up as a recommendation, and I was in "Infinite Empty Ear Hour Hell" where I would watch it, get recommended again, watch it again, get recommended again, get recommended even more, and then get recommended even more... As I reported in the article "Infinite Earshot Hour Hell", I was in "Infinite Earshot Hour Hell".
I was relieved to find that I was able to escape from that hell before I knew it, but the next hell was already waiting for me. It seems that we have to keep our guard up at all times in this world, and as the saying goes, "A man has seven enemies if he straddles the threshold".
This time it's Kinniku Man. I've had a lot of déjà vu bubbling up in my head as a result of my repeated attempts to watch Kinnikuman, and this is why my current Youtube site is filled with all sorts of Kinnikuman-related stuff. In the recommendations, there are a lot of them.
From the superhumans we already miss to the ones we didn't know about before, but anyway, there are superhumans called superhumans fighting on Ore-sama's Youtube. Demon superheroes are so cool!
...I wonder what the hell Youtube wants to do with Ore-sama.
By the way, the author, Mr. Yudetamago, doesn't hesitate to say that "if you get hung up on the details, the content gets boring", and if he comes up with a better setting, he will discard the past settings, which is why Kinnikuman is famous for its storylines that don't always add up. However, thanks to Youtube, I've come to think that "that kind of dynamic inconsistency in the storyline is very appealing".
So, among the "superhero introductions" kind of videos, the one I was most interested in was Junkman.
I'm wondering how you go about your daily life with those hands!
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