



I was thinking of changing the pickups because I wanted to get a crunchy sound out of my guitar, and I remembered that I had a Bill Lawrence L500XL on my old Cherry Flying V that I used to use, so I put it on an unidentified Canasibari Les Paul, as I wrote the other day. I found something like this in my room.

Bill Lawrence's L500L, a pickup that's a step below the L500XL in power.

That's right. I forgot to mention that before I put the L500XL on that guitar, I used to put the L500L on the Flying V. That's right. I forgot about the L500L before I put the L500XL in that guitar. As I recall, the L500L was a great pickup that had a nice, clean sound and could be crunchy when distorted, but I wondered what would happen if it had the same sound and more power, so I put the L500XL in there. As it turned out, the L500XL had more power, but it wasn't as sharp as the L500L, and I don't think it was as good as the L500XL.

However, Bill Lawrence's pickups have a very peculiar sound (the middle part of the pickup is very special). But when it doesn't work, it's just not good enough.

So I decided to take the L500XL off my Flying V and put it on my Kanashibari Les Paul.

A Canasibari Les Paul like a carp on a cutting board.

Yes, these days I leave all this kind of work to the professionals. I haven't used a soldering iron for years.

I wonder what it will sound like. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of excitement!



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