What exactly is the date of October 19th?
The number of scholars who have worked on this proposition may or may not be in the triple digits.
Not to mention the fact that 10/19 is "292 days from the beginning of the year on the Gregorian calendar (293 days in a leap year) and 73 days to the end of the year".
So, what is this day all about?
It was the first bargain day in Japan when the Daimaru Draper above Tokyo Station held a big sale of winter items.
I'm sure you were all surprised to hear that. Since we have no idea what exactly "Bargain Day" is, the number of scholars who have tried to figure it out is in the low four digits, or maybe not.
Anyway, it's such a big day. And to our surprise, it was not only a bargain day, but also the day that Tatsunoko Productions, the company famous for creating the Time Bokan series and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, was founded.
And what's even more surprising is that October 19th is also "Squid Salted Fish Day", ma'am! The origin of it seems to be "It's the season of squid, and the number of squid's legs (10) and maturity (19)". Anyway, it's the day of the salted squid.
It's "Bargain Bargain Day", "Tatsunoko Pro's Founding Day" and "Squid Pickled in Salt", a day that seems to have three major Japanese obscenities, on October 19th.
The time has come for it to become a day that combines all four.
Following on from last week's 10/12, Nara TV's "Rock on L7" will be broadcasting Kanashibari again.
10/19 26:30- Nara TV's "ROCK ON L7".
You're about to witness the day when 10/19 becomes the fourth major Japanese Nantucket!
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