Around noon on Thursday, I ordered a certain thing via the internet.
When I placed my order, there was a checkbox that said "Saturday Delivery" but I didn't check it because I thought, "Since the delivery location is in Tokyo, if I ship today, it will arrive tomorrow (Friday), right? I didn't check the box, because I thought, "I'm sure it will arrive tomorrow (Friday) if I ship today, since the shipping place is in Tokyo. That's what I thought. In short, I wondered if checking the "Saturday delivery" checkbox would mean that even if the delivery service is available on Friday, it would be delivered on Saturday. I thought that if I didn't check the "Saturday delivery" box, it would be delivered on Friday and Saturday at the latest.
But as of 5:40 p.m. today (Saturday), I checked the order screen and it doesn't seem to have even been shipped yet. The store is open from 10:00-17:00 and closed on Sundays, so that means it won't be shipped until Monday or later.
Oh dear. Well, I can't complain about it because the signage is true, but I wanted to use it tonight.
This is the end of a man who has become depraved by today's convenience. Let this be a lesson to you all.
I did it!
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