This world is overflowing with all sorts of information every day, with unbelievable news and a tornado of clamorous gossip.
Recently (well, for quite some time now), "AI" has become a bit of a trend, and it seems that many people think of AI as "a kind of human-like machine that can think independently," but I think "independence" is impossible. After all, it is AI that "processes problems using information and methods that exist in this world", and it is impossible to "create something out of nothing".
But when you think about it, it's not too much to say that there is no such thing as "creating something out of nothing" for humans to think about. The new thing is basically derived from something that existed in the past or combined with it, and it can't be something that suddenly appeared from nothing, can it? So what was the first thing that came out of it? It's like, "Egg first or chicken first?
So, why did I bring that up, because I saw this.
ZZ Top-esque song created by AI (artificial intelligence) is the talk of the town
I saw the title of the article and asked, "Did the AI do all the writing, composing, performing, singing, mixing... etc.? I was pretty freaked out, but apparently the only thing AI made was "ZZ Top-like lyrics". And a guy named Funk Turkey wrote a ZZ Top-ish song and did a ZZ Top-ish performance and a ZZ Top-ish mix and all that.
Besides ZZ Top, he's also made a lot of Metallica songs and Nirvana songs, and it's really like that. But if you put it out there in front of people without saying a word, they'll call it "pa***y", but it's not surprising. It's a human being who writes the music, but it sounds like a machine imitating the real thing.
Come to think of it, AI also appears in the mixing and mastering process of recording. I'd say, "I want you to do the mixing (mastering) like this," and I'd give them a standard song to listen to, and they'd do it like that. But when I tried it, it didn't work for me at all. It didn't sound anything like it. Maybe I didn't do it right.
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