The word "Han" has been defined worldwide as "Lemmy Kilmister". Of course, in Ore-sama's mind, "Han = Lemmy", but it has also been decided that "Man = Shotaro Ikenami", and that will never waver.
Speaking of Lemmy Kilmister, he is the bassist and vocalist of Motörhead, who sings (or screams) into the microphone set high on a spatula with a bearded face and the connection between the beard and the moustache is amazing, and he literally sings (or screams) in a very louder voice than you would expect from a guy with a distorted bass. If the name Motörhead doesn't ring a bell, you'll probably recognize the name "Motörhead" when you hear "a 3-piece band that sounds like they're running around in a cloud of dust and smoke". One of their representative songs, "Ace of Spades," might be familiar to you, but maybe not. But you might not.
By the way, the album Ace of Spades is called "Ace of Spades", and I used to get stuck in traffic whenever I played it in my car while I was on tour, which is a scary saying for me.
And now, the dreaded Lemmy Kilmister is back with even more dreadful news. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of Ace of Spades, a new candle that smells like Lemmy has been released.
Motorhead's Ace of Spades celebrates 40th anniversary with the release of official candles that smell like Remy
Smells like Remy...
Body odor...?
I read the news carefully and found out that it's "Remy's favorite whiskey, with a smoky, smoky whiskey aroma. Speaking of Lemmy, it's been said that he would drink a whiskey coke with a Jack Daniels when he woke up in the morning. Unfortunately, this candle doesn't seem to be an exact replica of his body odor.
Smelling like Remy" smells a bit like a weekly missive, but I'm glad to hear that it smells good.
Well, I'm really glad it's not an old man's body odor candle.
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