Yesterday's announcement caused the earth to shake violently, and the voices of those who were surprised by it caused me to shake violently too. That's the "action-reaction law", isn't it? Surprising other people seems to be difficult.
When listening to the song "Beasts" on Youtube, some people thought that Ore-sama was playing the drums, or that he was using a drum kit.
It's true that Ore-sama can manipulate time at will, alter himself up to 108 people in an instant, and break all kinds of difficulties if he chants a spell, but he can't play the drums. (And by the way, I can't manipulate time, I can't use the art of altering myself, and I don't know any spell to break down difficulties.
Well, there are people like Lenny Kravitz and Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters who can do all the instruments by themselves. But I'm not like that! Those guys were awesome!
That's why I don't play the drums in "The Beast".
I'm not opposed to the use of drumming, and there are many things I like about it, but there's one type of music that I'm not interested in, and that's drumming that uses drumming. But there is one type of music with hammering that I'm not interested in, and that's "hammering that tries to sound raw (naive)". If you're going to use a recording, I want you to take advantage of the "goodness of the recording", so I'm not interested in any of the recordings that try hard to sound like "natural". I'm not interested in the hammering that's trying to get close to the natural shape of the instrument. (Right?)
So, the drums in "Beasts" are not played by a drummer, but by a ningen (drummer).
So, please subscribe to the Kanashibari Channel on Youtube.
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