

Carbonated water

As I wrote the other day, I have a bottle of "Otoko Ume Sour no moto (for business use)" on hand, so I buy soda water every day, mix it exquisitely, and drink and drink it every day.

I just realized... or rather I remembered something...

I can't drink a lot of sugary drinks. I don't hate them, but I don't like to drink a lot of them. It's the same with food. I don't hate sweet food (and there are many things I like that are sweet), but I can't eat a lot of it.

So I can drink at most one cup of Otoko Ume Sour a night, but then I get into trouble. I have a 500ml bottle of soda water left over.

Sometimes I buy a bottle of whisky or shochu and drink it with soda water, but it's very difficult to drink it without having too much soda water left over. I'm currently experiencing the exact same event with Otoko Ume Sour. In addition, we have a lot more bottles of soda than normal whisky and shochu (1.8 liters), and it's making us feel faint.

It's hard to underestimate the "professional use" of whisky.
I wish there was a "soda water that never loses its carbonation".




Action and reaction

Yesterday's announcement caused the earth to shake violently, and the voices of those who were surprised by it caused me to shake violently too. That's the "action-reaction law", isn't it? Surprising other people seems to be difficult.

When listening to the song "Beasts" on Youtube, some people thought that Ore-sama was playing the drums, or that he was using a drum kit.

It's true that Ore-sama can manipulate time at will, alter himself up to 108 people in an instant, and break all kinds of difficulties if he chants a spell, but he can't play the drums. (And by the way, I can't manipulate time, I can't use the art of altering myself, and I don't know any spell to break down difficulties.

Well, there are people like Lenny Kravitz and Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters who can do all the instruments by themselves. But I'm not like that! Those guys were awesome!

That's why I don't play the drums in "The Beast".

I'm not opposed to the use of drumming, and there are many things I like about it, but there's one type of music that I'm not interested in, and that's drumming that uses drumming. But there is one type of music with hammering that I'm not interested in, and that's "hammering that tries to sound raw (naive)". If you're going to use a recording, I want you to take advantage of the "goodness of the recording", so I'm not interested in any of the recordings that try hard to sound like "natural". I'm not interested in the hammering that's trying to get close to the natural shape of the instrument. (Right?)

So, the drums in "Beasts" are not played by a drummer, but by a ningen (drummer).

So, please subscribe to the Kanashibari Channel on Youtube.





For the time being, Ore-sama will be working alone on Kanashibari. I say "for the time being" because I don't have a final destination in mind at the moment. Basically, I'll be the only official member, or we may have multiple members. So "for the time being" it's one member, one kanashibari.

'Huh? What about the activities then? For those of you who are wondering what to do with the song, we've prepared a new song, "Beasts".

As you can hear, it's what we call a band sound, right? Well, that's what I mean. Of course, it's not "the last thing I recorded with the previous members" or anything like that.

To tell the truth, I've been working alone since June. It's been about four months since then. I've been working alone since June, and it's been about four months since then, and I'm sure I've written a song or two.

For the time being, I'm going to start releasing songs on Youtube like I did with "Beasts". I'm aiming for one song a week, but I don't think I'll be able to declare it. I don't know if I can do it. Will I be able to keep up such a fast pace? I'll be releasing songs in quick succession, so please subscribe to the Kanashibari Channel on Youtube!

Kanashibari Channel on Youtube

Oh, and I'll be back on terrestrial TV next month yo, I'll let you know about that later!




Reflecting on the past

Last night, I fell asleep before I knew it, licking my tongue like a starving hyena, wondering when I would drink the undiluted solution of Otoko Ume Sour with soda water...hehehehehe. When I woke up in the morning, I was so frustrated that I cried and drank only soda water in a gulp. I'm truly a careless enemy! Every inch of it is dark! I don't know! The blocking horse: !!!!

The day before yesterday, I told you about the astonishing fact that "siri will tell you the name of a song when you let it listen to it" in "Siri's Use of Kanashibari", but then I remembered that the title of the article I mentioned in that article was "How to identify songs and movies on your phone". Hmm? Maybe you can show siri a scene from a movie and she'll tell you the title of the movie? I was curious, and when I read carefully, that's not what I was talking about (more on "How to Identify Movies on Your Phone" here). As expected, siri doesn't seem to have evolved that far, either. That's the quick fix! A rash and deliberate act! Under siege! Oil on Fire!!!!

When I was writing about Motörhead three days ago, I remembered that there was a bassist who used to say, "I love Motorhead," and I said, "Why don't you buy a Rickenbacker? (Since Lemmy, the bass and vocalist for Motorhead, is a Rickenbacker aficionado) I said, "What? When you say Rickenbacker, you mean the Beatles, right? I remembered that I sat down when he said. A stick from the bush! Out of the blue! Sevenfold! Japanese and Western Blend: !!!!

Well, tonight I'm going to drink my man plum sour to drink! (for business use)




Business use

I suppose there's a difference of opinion as to whether to write "Han" or "man" when emphasizing "otoko. I've already decided that Han = Remy and Man = Shotaro Ikenami in my mind, as I wrote the other day in "Misleading Kanashibari".

But speaking of "men", there was also this one.

Yes, it's a "male plum sour".

And I finally found it. The undiluted liquid (for business use). It was lined up at a supermarket near the Kanashibari Base without a second glance. If you're going to sell it, sell it and give me a shout!

I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know that "Tono-Ume Sour is delicious", but if you don't know at least one thing about it, you should go to the convenience store right now, put everything aside, buy a can of Tono-Ume Sour and get out of the convenience store (this is important!) Pushy open the pull-tab and take a giggle and a sip. You'll see why buying a male plum sour reigns supreme over all else.

But there's a problem there: this "male plum sour" isn't sold very often. At a convenience store near our house (Seven), I thought they started selling it recently, but I didn't see it again.

So when I was hungry and thirsty for Otoko Ume Sour and craving Otoko Ume Sour, I didn't expect to encounter it (for business use).

Party and all!
Trumpet swallowers! (No.)
Man-mei from the store, bring as much as you have! (Business use)





Do you guys use siri? I'm ashamed to say that I didn't use it at all, and if anything, I didn't even know how to start it. (I looked it up and found that I had it set to not start up with either the call or home button. Probably on my own.)

And I happened to find this article.

How to identify songs and movies on your phone

Did you know that if you let siri listen to a song, it will tell you the name of the song?
Maybe people today use that kind of thing as a matter of course?
Am I the only one who didn't know that?
I'm too embarrassed to be a jerk today!

No, it's really amazing. Of course, I immediately launched siri on my phone and asked, "What's this song? After asking them, I played them the song "Bacteria" by Kanashibari, and they answered correctly. (Let's try it, guys!)

Oh my God, Siri is so powerful!

Plus, "What's this song? I asked him, "Excuse me, I don't know what this song is about," and he sang Bacteria himself.

GADDEME!!!!! I'm the one!

It's not analyzing notes or melodies, it's looking for matches in a database of released songs, so you can't use it to look up a melody that pops into your head and say, "I don't know what song it is...". If I had to use it, I'd be most happy with that, but I just can't do it.

But it's amazing.





The word "Han" has been defined worldwide as "Lemmy Kilmister". Of course, in Ore-sama's mind, "Han = Lemmy", but it has also been decided that "Man = Shotaro Ikenami", and that will never waver.

Speaking of Lemmy Kilmister, he is the bassist and vocalist of Motörhead, who sings (or screams) into the microphone set high on a spatula with a bearded face and the connection between the beard and the moustache is amazing, and he literally sings (or screams) in a very louder voice than you would expect from a guy with a distorted bass. If the name Motörhead doesn't ring a bell, you'll probably recognize the name "Motörhead" when you hear "a 3-piece band that sounds like they're running around in a cloud of dust and smoke". One of their representative songs, "Ace of Spades," might be familiar to you, but maybe not. But you might not.

By the way, the album Ace of Spades is called "Ace of Spades", and I used to get stuck in traffic whenever I played it in my car while I was on tour, which is a scary saying for me.

And now, the dreaded Lemmy Kilmister is back with even more dreadful news. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of Ace of Spades, a new candle that smells like Lemmy has been released.

Motorhead's Ace of Spades celebrates 40th anniversary with the release of official candles that smell like Remy

Smells like Remy...

Body odor...?

I read the news carefully and found out that it's "Remy's favorite whiskey, with a smoky, smoky whiskey aroma. Speaking of Lemmy, it's been said that he would drink a whiskey coke with a Jack Daniels when he woke up in the morning. Unfortunately, this candle doesn't seem to be an exact replica of his body odor.

Smelling like Remy" smells a bit like a weekly missive, but I'm glad to hear that it smells good.

Well, I'm really glad it's not an old man's body odor candle.





I had forgotten all about it. I've been writing this blog.

In the chaos, I forgot to eat even though I bought three good sticks, and I had my bag with me, but I got an unnecessary plastic bag at the convenience store, and if I walked with an umbrella, it didn't rain, and if I walked without an umbrella, it rained, and after a long time, I had an instant Speaking of headaches, the strange headache I had last night from an unfamiliar can of chuhai gave me a headache that wouldn't go away, and now my headache has finally gone away like this It's time (18:59).

What should I do? I think it's usually about 7:30-8:00 pm when I upload my daily NOTE, but I only have about an hour left. I haven't even thought about what I'm going to write about. I'm done!

Recently, I've completely lost my morning Canasibari routine to writing my notes, and I usually write in the evening. I changed my routine to something more meaningful in the morning because it's the time when my mind is clearest, but then I forgot to write my notes in the evening.





As usual, I spend my days drinking and watching "Ed Stafford's tough survival videos", just to feel like I'm surviving in the savannah or deep in the jungle.

As I watched the videos, I thought, "This guy speaks damn English," so I looked it up and found out that Ed Stafford was British. I'm not fluent in English at all, but I know that much.

I've been thinking for a while now that there's a big difference between British and American English. The difference is about the difference in dialect for Japanese, isn't it? It's not so much "different language".

I lived in Kagoshima city when I was still a child prodigy, but I lived in Kagoshima prefecture for a few years. I lived in Kagoshima city for a few years. I became a Kagoshima dialect pera-pera very easily because I was a child, but I couldn't understand most of what local old man and woman said. But I couldn't understand most of what the local old man and woman said. I think my friends didn't understand it either. The difference between British English and American English seems to be smaller than that.

The only thing that struck me was that when we were asked to read out the textbook during Japanese language class, everyone used standard English. One time, a girl in my class started reading in a dialect, and both she and her classmates burst out laughing at how strange it was. It seems that "listening to the textbook" is similar to "listening to the announcer read the news".

By the way, when I first landed in Kagoshima, I saw an illustration of Mr. Saigou and a sign saying "Welcome to Kagoshima" with furigana on it. I used to sit back and relax. I didn't actually meet anyone who used those words, though.




My Boom

'My Boom'. Is that a dead word? I can't think of a noun to replace this one.

I'm sure everyone has their own personal fad, or "my boom". And among the "my boom" fads, aren't there any that flare up again and again every year or so? I've probably had a few of those. What I mean by "maybe" is that I don't really remember them until after they've come around.

And now, for the first time in a long time (maybe a year or so), I'm experiencing a boom in these things. The "thing" is a survival video.

There are a lot of people who make "survival videos", but I only watch this guy's. I don't know why, but I only like his videos. I don't know why, but I like this guy. So it's not "My boom in watching survival videos", it's more like "My boom in watching Ed Stafford's survival videos".

The content of the video is that you're thrown naked into an unexplored area and you survive for 10 days with no water, food, or clothes except for a camera for filming. I wasn't interested in it at all when I wasn't interested in it, but there are times when I find it irresistibly interesting (and that's now). I have absolutely zero desire to "do it myself," though.

Speaking of which, Prince Axel from Guns N' Roses once said, "If I had to take only one album to a deserted island, it would be the first Sex Pistols album," and I wonder if he takes the first Pistols album with him when he's thrown naked in a deserted place.




The turn of the holiday season

It's seriously out of the blue that I thought today was just a Sunday, and that I've been lazily lazing about as lazily as a weekday, lazily adding to my laziness. Lately I've been asked about once a month if I've had more holidays lately. I feel like I'm writing this, but oh no, have there been more holidays lately? I heard that another holiday is coming. And I couldn't get enough of it for one day, two days in a row. Two days in a row. What in the world is going on! Call the landlady! Who made this!!!! (Yuuzhan Kaibara style)

Well, I didn't realize that today was in the middle of a consecutive holiday. And I heard that it's a 4th consecutive holiday. At this rate, the Japanese calendar is going to be dyed red with holidays sooner or later! (Nose Hosiery!)

Well, tomorrow, September 21, which I think the majority of Japanese people know as "Kochikame" (1976), the day when the serialization of "Kochikame", or "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo", began, also doubles as a holiday, "Respect-for-the-Agedy Day", doesn't it? It's quite a surprise.

The day after tomorrow, September 22, which I'm sure everyone remembers as the day Chiyonofuji set a record for most wins with 965 victories, is also a holiday called the Day of the Autumn Equinox. It's a surprise.

In the eyes of the world, today is the "turning point of the consecutive holidays", I guess. I guess we have to make a toast to that, whatever the case may be! I'd like to beat the sake out of the firefly squid off the coast!





I know most of you reading this, or maybe even all of you, have no interest in this and won't be able to tug at your heartstrings for a millimeter, but yesterday I was writing an article about Aerosmith's "Dream On" when I learned a shocking fact.

I was casually wondering how old the members of Aerosmith are now, and then I wondered how old the members of the Stones are that are older than Aerosmith, so I did some research.

Then I found out that Bill Wyman, the original bassist of The Rolling Stones, is 83 years old! It was. And what really surprised me more than the age was that Bill Wyman was older than the drummer Charlie Watts. (Charlie Watts is 79 years old.)

You don't really care about Charlie Watts, do you?

But Charlie Watts has always been the same old guy, and when I was a kid, there was a rumor among my friends that Charlie Watts was a cyborg. I thought that the original members of the Stones were about the same age, and Charlie Watts was older (or much older), so I was really surprised. I was shocked that Bill Wyman was older than Charlie Watts. I was like, "Charlie Watts is really a cyborg!" with my stupid face down. I'd like to secretly whisper a few words in my ear to the then-meister who used to joke about it. I'm sure he would have been so surprised that he would have been able to take his pants off.



Dream on - Aerosmith

I found it again, rafting across the vast ocean, braving the scorching sunshine and raging storms. My favorite ballad.

It's "Dream On" by Aerosmith. I love it! I don't think it's as good as "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" or "Angel" or "Amazing", but it's nice and unique. When it comes to Aerosmith's ballads, "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing", "Angel", "Amazing" and so on are famous, but I'm not very good at those kind of songs that I can't say "this is the ballad I'm talking about".

I don't know if there's an official video for this song from Aerosmith's first album (1973), which was released a long time ago. I clicked the play button with trembling fingers, wondering if I could see the 1973 Aerosmith music video, but it was a live recording with live footage and images. It's not a part of the album. It looks like the images and videos are from before Joe Perry and Brad Whitford left the band once, and I think it's from that time.

Anyway, Aerosmith in this era was so cool, like a demon, literally.

I can't get enough of the yucky smell that emanates on the rough-hewn energy!
(80's liner notes style)



A guitar made of concrete

He made the guitar out of concrete. It weighs about 8.6 kilograms.

"I made an electric guitar out of concrete" video goes viral

That sound, according to the producers.
'Many of you will ask me how a guitar made of concrete sounds compared to one made of wood. Honestly, I don't think it sounds any different.
That's what it says.

I see. I wonder if the body material of an electric guitar has anything to do with the sound that comes out of the amp.

After all, the electric guitar converts the vibrations of the strings into electrical signals to make sound, and it doesn't pick up the sound of the body. The most important thing is not how the body produces the sound, but how it makes the strings vibrate. The material and shape of the body has a lot to do with the vibration of the strings, but other parts such as the pegs, nut and bridge, and of course, the pickup that picks up the vibrations also have a lot to do with it.

If you change the pickups, it's not an exaggeration, it's a different guitar, and for a guitar in the same shape and price range, the dramatic change in sound when you change the pegs, nuts, and bridge is much bigger than the difference in materials.

I once had the pleasure of replacing all the parts of a guitar that weren't made of wood, and the guy at the repair shop told me, "But at the end of the day, the sound will be much different if you just turn the knobs on the amp a little bit".



300 days straight

Yesterday marked 300 days since I started this series of note posts, 300 days of sleeping, eating, bathing, brushing my teeth, getting a stomachache, reading, playing the guitar, singing, drinking, eating snacks, figuring out how to put on an armband, walking, running, crying, etc. I've spent all my time except for screaming and silence, and I've been diligently writing notes. When I start thinking about how much that act is worth, I'm so terrified that I can only sleep more than 8 hours a night.

Speaking of 300 days, it's so long that a newborn baby has reached the age of one year and is finally ready to throw away his beloved pacifier and start a battle.

Recently I've written a few "ballad" stories, and they've been hits for me. I don't mean that I've been able to write them in an interesting way, but it's because they remind me of songs that were completely covered in dust in my memory. Moreover, when you remember a song, it brings back all the memories that came with it (not just the song). That's a nice thing about it. So I'm going to continue my search for my favorite ballads. I think it was a good idea to start with the ballad, an area of music that I have little interest in. I'm a genius.

When I get to 300 days, I think, "One year is almost gone! But there's still 64 days left until the year ends. 64 days is about two months. Maybe I should break the restriction that I have to put the word "kanashibari" in the title of the article after a year.



Record sales have surpassed CD sales.

I heard that record sales have finally surpassed CD sales in the US.

Record sales overtake CDs for the first time since the 1980s

The CD had already been largely displaced by distribution, but now records have finally overtaken it. Rather than sound quality, I think it's more important to

Want to listen to music easily ⇒ Delivery
I want to enjoy listening to music at home as an experience ⇒ Records

CD's have been outdone by digital distribution in terms of "convenience" and records in terms of "desire to own" and will continue to suffer in the future. Listening to records is a ritual, to put it bluntly. You put it on the turntable, you turn the A-side and the B-side over.

Also, the size of the jackets is very attractive. I'm not greedy, so on the listener's side, I want to own a record with a cool jacket! Or, "I want to decorate my room! I don't have any desire to do so, but as a producer, I'd like to make a record with a big cover and be happy with it.

By the way, I haven't listened to the records themselves in years, but records don't have any bass in them, do they? When I listen to a non-record source (CD or file) from the days when records were the only source of sound, the bass part, which would obviously be obvious nowadays, is not there. What does that mean? If you search for "record bass" or something like that, all you'll find is "what kind of equipment can be used to play it and how good the bass is", but you won't find anything about "no bass" in the first place.

I think I once heard something about "records are cut off the bass at the mastering stage before pressing for ____", but I'm not sure what the ____ part was, nor am I sure I ever really heard that story in the first place. The bass in rock and pop records is thin, but don't classical records have a lot of bass? If that's the case, I wonder if it's not the nature of the recording medium called "record". It's all a bit of a blur.

I'm now tempted to get a record player and try it out. Is this how greed is generated?




I finally remembered it.

No, what's more, it's a favorite ballad, of course.

It's "Catch Me" by the Bandits. This is a genuine ballad, right?

By the way, this album is the soundtrack to the German movie "Bandits". There is also an American movie called "Bandits", but it's not that movie. It's in Germany.

It's about four female prisoners who meet in prison and form a band called the Bandits, and the movie itself is really good. First of all, the movie itself is great, and the soundtrack is even better than that. The soundtrack is even better than that, and I'm not kidding, it's a great song. Ostensibly the band Bandits are playing in the film, but the only song is sung by Yasmin Tabatabai who plays the main character in the film.

And this is one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack.

Well, it's a great song. But it's not the same as a ballad, is it?

By the way, I used to cover this song in the soundtrack with my band back in the day....

But still, I didn't realize I'd forgotten about this album...I'm unaware of it. Most of the songs on this soundtrack are composed by Yasmin Tabatabai, but she seems to have released several other albums as well. I couldn't find it when I was looking for it before, but I just found it on Amazon, so I'll have to give it a listen.

I think you should give this album a listen.

So I guess that means I'm forgetting something else.



Reply to comment

I used to just click on the heart icon when I received comments because I said "I can't find a reply function for the comments", but then I thought "why don't I just write an article about replying to comments? Let's reply to them.

Comment from YUHUA O.
I've never seen Tokyo Gegegei for the first time. I was shocked. Interesting!
>Of course Tokyo Gegegei's dancing is great, but their music video is also very good. There are many other music videos as well, so please look for them!

Comment from shima_shima
Some foreigners (North Americans and Europeans) feel that Japanese "enka" is a "ballade".
>Oh, I see. Come to think of it, "enka" fits perfectly with the definition of a ballad. Enka is said to be "Japanese soul", but soul music also has a lot of ballad style songs.

Comment from Mikitanishi
I imagine the ballad to have a few whole notes in it.
>Oh, I know what you mean. I think that's because it's called "slow". But actually, I think fast songs use whole notes a lot too - it's a big problem if you keep cramming notes into them lol.

Comment from Rei Jishio
YOSHIKI from X Japan wrote "Endress Rain" after hearing a ballad that starts with a piano that says "Dont know what you got it's until gone" by Cinderella!
There are some good 80's metal ballads too, like Guns' "November Rain", Cinderella's "Coming Hme" etc...
>Hello from Tokyo! Wow, I didn't know there was such a secret behind the creation of "Endless Rain". It seems like YOSHIKI wouldn't say such a thing, though. Dont know what you got it's until it's gone," "Endress Rain," "November Rain," and "Coming Hme" are all hard rock ballads, aren't they?

Thank you all for your comments! Keep up the good work!



Whispers In The Dark - Hanoi Rocks

Favorite Ballad Song.

In order to find the answer to the biggest question of this century, I set out to find the answer to the ancient continent of vision, over mountains, over valleys, struck by waterfalls, and struck by lightning, and now I'm at home writing notes.

I say to myself that I have little interest in ballads, so it shouldn't matter to me, but it's kind of frustrating. I'm sure I only have a couple of favorite ballads in my collection, and I'm dying to make sure I have those "only a couple of songs I like".

So, I narrowed it down to 'minor' ballads, and then I remembered this.

It's "Whispers In The Dark" by Hanoi Rocks.

Of course I love this song and it's minor in tone. But is it a ballad? If there is no definition of a ballad, it would be a ballad for me, but I don't know what it is. It's a ballad, but I don't know what it is anymore. What in the world is this? A ballad!

But well, listen to me. Those keyboards. It's not good. It makes me cry, doesn't it? I don't think it's a ballad, though.

I was looking for the song "Whispers In The Dark" on Youtube, and I found the original version of the classic "Cafe Avenue" on the same album, so I'll post it here as a note for myself. If you're interested, you can listen to it and compare it to the official version.

I still like the early yo-yo look of Hanoi.



Scar Tissu - Red Hot Chili Peppers

In yesterday's "Canasibari-esque Ballad Considerations", I couldn't come up with one of my few favorite ballad songs in the end, but I did come up with one.

It's "Scar Tissu" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Despite the fact that I wrote yesterday that "sometimes minor tones get to me," this song is in a major key, but I like it.

However, I wonder if this song is a ballad? As I wrote yesterday, if you think a ballad is only defined as "slow and melodious", it might be a ballad, but I think it's a bit up-tempo to be called a ballad. If this were a ballad, I feel like most of Letchley's songs in recent years would be ballads.

When I saw some live footage of the audience dancing to this song, I thought, "This is no ordinary Letchli song!

This was a session with two rhythm section members. This is a session with two rhythm section. It's so cool.

By the way, this is part of Chad's instructional video on drums, so if you want to watch the whole thing, click here.

Speaking of Rettiri, they are a world class band that I don't need to explain now. The guitarist John Frusciante is back, which was a big news a while back, but Dave Navarro from Jane's Addiction was in the band when John Frusciante left the band the first time.

Dave Navarro's "One Hot Minute" album, which was released while he was with the band, seems to be quite unpopular with my friends and the world, but I like it a lot. I like it a lot. Yummy! I can't deny that there are many songs that make you think "I'm not going to be able to do that" and then become goofy.



Thoughts on the Ballad

I wrote yesterday that I'm not nearly as interested in ballads, and well, I am. I don't really like ballads.

Having said that, what is a ballad, anyway?

Is it something specific to rock music? I can only vaguely come up with a fluffy definition of a ballad like "slow tempo and melodious", but there are literally an infinite number of songs that are "slow tempo and melodious" if they're not rock songs, right?

That's why I asked Wikipedia again.

Apparently "ballad" has several meanings, but what I'm interested in is "ballad in popular music" among them. The first excerpt says this.

The musical mainstay of the group is a slow tempo, quiet musical contemplation, beautiful melodic lines and harmonies, and sentimental lyrics, mainly of love songs, which are characterized musically by a quiet intro and dramatic build-up to the ending, with piano and other instruments.

Hmmm, I see. And furthermore, it says this.

It is difficult to judge whether a song whose title is not defined as a ballad qualifies as a ballad because it is conceptually different from jazz, HR/HM, and other musical genres. Even for the same artist, the criteria for what qualifies as a ballad or not qualifies as a ballad are different, and the definitions are varied and diffuse.

In short, it's difficult to define "ballad in popular music" exactly, and it's about as fluffy as "slow and melodious tempo", which is what I initially wrote as my subjective view.

And it's a ballad that fits that fluffy definition, but basically I'm not really interested in it. However, there are some songs I like, such as "The Price" by Twisted Sister, which I mentioned in yesterday's post.

I tried to think of a ballad that I liked, but I can't think of a single one. The first song that comes to mind when I hear the word "ballad" is "Home Sweet Home" by Mötley Crüe, but I don't really like it that much. Oh, I love Mötley Crüe, but I don't like him that much.

I think there are times when the minor ballads are rather pleasing to me... but I can't think of a single song.

But I can't think of a single song. We don't have anything...



Twisted Gegegei

It's been three years since this was released. Tokyo Gegegei's "Gegegei no Kitaro".

I was shocked when I saw it for the first time. It was one of my top 5 or 6 favorite music videos of all time.

There are several Tokyo Gegegei music videos that I like, and "Yes or No" is one of my favorites.

But when I first saw this, I didn't know about Tokyo Gegegegay yet and seriously, I mistook MIKEY (the biggest guy in the world) for Dee Snyder, the singer of Twisted Sister. No, really. I was like, "Dee Snyder, I haven't seen you in a while, what the hell are you doing here? And I literally blew out the beer I was drinking at the time.

I remember there was a Twisted Sister song that tugged at my heartstrings, even though I'm not much into ballads...

I looked it up and found it.

Yes, this is it. I haven't listened to this song in a while, but it's great. I like the melody and the fact that it doesn't have a B-melody and one chorus is compact. I don't like the idea of having an indifferent B-melody in the song as if it's a promise. I'm not a big fan of planned harmony. I don't put B melodies in my songs either.

Well, I was going to dig deeper into Tokyo Gegegei, but I didn't expect to land on a ballad by Twisted Sister that I barely remember.

Congratulations, congratulations.



Web Browser "Brave"

I'm sure everyone is struggling with the rough seas of the Internet every day, but what web browsers are you using?

A typical one would be Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or something like that, and for those who use iPhone, Safari is probably a lot.

So, about 3 months ago, I learned about a browser called "Brave". One of the features that attracted me to it was its ability to block unwanted advertisements, so it was very smooth and easy to use.

So of course I used it, yes. When you open this browser, you can see how much loading time it saves when you open a new tab

What a surprise, my "saved loading time" has now exceeded 1 hour. By the way, this picture is from my own PC at the Canasibari base, but my home PC, which I started using Brave at the same time, is almost 1 hour old.

It took me about three months to save two hours. I didn't really feel it, because it's been piling up one minute at a time, but I'm happy when I get on the big "hour" scale. Time is more precious than anything else.

By the way, I use two kinds of browsers, Brave and Google Chrome by a little convenience in both PC of the Canasibari base and home PC. So if I narrow down both to one Brave, will I save time of this times if I narrow it down to one Brave? But it will not be easy to use because of that.

I'm going to put it in my phone too.




I was reminded of this yesterday when I wrote an article about the results of a study that said that the theory that sweating helps the body get rid of toxins is a lie, but there is also a widely believed (or believed) beauty discourse that says that eating collagen will make your skin plump up.

I think the objection that "eating collagen is useless because it is broken down into amino acids at the stage of digestion (or rather, it's no different from taking other proteins)" has been relatively major for quite some time now.

I just kind of wondered what that was all about. It seemed to me that what was originally collagen could be easily recombined as collagen once it was broken down. When I ate suppon before, the landlady said, "Your skin will be plump tomorrow!

But I've never been interested in "skin firmness" itself, so I didn't do any further research, but yesterday, when I exposed the lie about detoxification, I remembered and did some research.

The conclusion is that "we don't know for sure yet" (sniffle), but they can't say that it's meaningless because it's broken down into amino acids in the digestive stage. Not all collagen is broken down into amino acids at the digestion stage, but some collagen is absorbed when it is broken down into collagen peptides, which helps the body to produce collagen again.

So, if you take collagen orally, it might be good for you, ma'am!

Speaking of which, I was passing by a restaurant the other day that had a water tank with suppon in it, and it said "I started keeping suppon" on it.




The rumor that was whispered around the world was a lie: "Sweating helps to eliminate toxins from the body. It seems that the rumor that "sweating helps the body get rid of toxins" was a lie.

'Sweat and detox' was a lie, study finds

The sentence in the article above, "The theory that sweating to get rid of toxins is as unlikely as sweating to squeeze out bullets" is pretty punchy, isn't it? I quite like it. I want to say it every day. I wonder if this is what you call a small American joke. I heard it was a Canadian guy who said this.

There is a common belief that "When you have a hangover, you should sweat to get rid of the alcohol in your body", but it's not true. If you sweat out after drinking, alcohol and acetaldehyde gush out of your body, you're in for a world of hurt. I mean, if you drink milk, milk gushes out of your body. Considering that, the results of this study may be just as well.

By the way, the article above is from 2018, but "detoxing by sweating is a lie" was a mystery until then. It doesn't sound difficult at all, since the research is only about examining the components of sweat. I guess it means that there were no researchers who were interested in it.

Even now, if you do a search for "sweat detox", the evil spirits of the mountainous detox industry come up a lot. Sweating won't get rid of this stuff in your system! Careful, ma'am!



Mohawk King

We have received shocking news.

I'm the Mohawk King - the guy who won the world's biggest mohawk at over six feet tall.

Joseph Grisamore, from Minnesota, USA, got a 42.5-inch mohawk after 13 years and became the world's Guinness World Record holder for the "Full Mohawk Mohawk" haircut.

Apparently there is another person who holds the world record for the height of a mohawk (apparently it's a Japanese person), so I'm not sure what exactly makes this person's mohawk the best in the world from this news alone (area?). (The height above this form of mohawk only? Anyway, this is the best mohawk in the world. You can burn that knotty look in your eyes!

Not long ago, I was also wearing a mohawk with the tip of one toe in it, so when I heard the news, I was unable to stay, stand, or even sleep.

In a 7/20 article, I wrote that I last cut my hair on 2/29, and I haven't cut my hair since then, so I haven't cut my hair in over 6 months.

Joseph Grissamore spent 13 years perfecting the world's best mohawk, and if I had a mohawk now, I'd be a little closer to the world record holder. Some people say it's not really a mohawk because the sides of it have grown out too.



Doraemon's Birthday

I mentioned the time machine in yesterday's post, and now I want to go back in a time machine and beat the side of Ore-sama, who is uploading this post with a proud face.

After I posted yesterday's article, I found out that yesterday, September 3rd, was Doraemon's birthday. How could I have missed a memorable day called "Doraemon's birthday"? I feel like my hair is going to turn black with remorse.

Doraemon, or "mass-produced cat-type babysitting robot (friend type)", officially named "MS-903 Doraemon", seems to have been manufactured on September 3, 2112 at the "Tokyo Matsushima Robot Factory". Although it uses the past tense of "made", it's actually in the future.

By the way, it was judged to be defective because it was "too close to human to exceed the standard value" and was sold as a junk at a special price of 200,000 yen.

Isn't it a bit of a surprise that Doraemon was sold for 200,000 yen? I wonder how much the value of 200,000 yen will be in about 90 years from now. By the way, about 90 years from now, 1 yen in 1930 is said to be about 2,500 yen when converted to the present value of money. It is quite unreasonable, but if it is assumed to change in the same way for the next 90 years, 200,000 yen in 2112 will be about 80 yen when converted into the present value of money.

80 yen?

Can you buy Doraemon for 80 yen?

That's a buy, right?



H.G. Wells

Last night when I went to the convenience store to get a beer, I found a Kaki no Tane Spice Curry Flavor without peanuts, and I was like, "Of course this stuff is invincible! And when I came home from buying it with one person fussing over it, I found the same thing in my desk drawer at home, already opened. I'm currently eating the rest of the Kaki-no-tane Spice Curry Flavor without peanuts, and studying the feasibility of time travel.

By the way, when it comes to time travel, a time machine is indispensable. Speaking of time machines, I'd like to say Doraemon, but I'd have to say H.G. Wells is the best known of all time machines. Needless to say, he is the author of the science fiction novels "The Time Machine" and "Space Warfare", and he is also called the "Father of Science Fiction", isn't he?

Speaking of "Space War", I've never read the original story, but I have read children's books (or rather, children's books) when I was a child.

I was scared of aliens sucking human blood, but more than that, I remember that I was strangely scared of the worldview that flowed throughout the whole book, which had no sense of reality at all.

Speaking of "Space Wars", there was also a movie made about it.

It was quite scary. It was quite scary, like an amusement park attraction.  The sound itself was really scary. It's amazing how scary the sounds are, not the melodies, but the pure sounds that make you feel fear.

I want to see a movie like an amusement park attraction, like "Space War" or "Jurassic World".




I was greatly mistaken. (Re.)

It's not the same as "Frogs in a well don't know the ocean", but it still seems to make me unfamiliar with countries other than the one I live in.

RAVEN" is a pioneering band of speed metal or power metal, made up of John and Mark Gallagher, the brothers. When you hear the name "RAVEN", you can't think of anything else, can you?

RAVEN was formed in 1974 and is still active today, but there was a time when I listened to their 1984 live album called "Live at the Inferno" every day like it was Abo. The music that I used to listen to and say, "Wow, this is so exciting and cool," was just a mountain of sand made by a kid in a sandbox. If I were to use a vaulting box, it would be about three or four steps. In other words, it's not hot at all, it's a scheduled hot water bath. Live at the Inferno" taught us that with its incomprehensibly raging, pissed-off sound.

RAVEN is a band that was formed in the UK, and for some reason I have always thought of them as a German band.

I don't know what made me think that, but I have always thought of them as a German band. I'm so embarrassed. Let's start all this over together, ma'am.

By the way, the second album "Wiped Out" released in 1982 was said to be the "fastest and loudest album" according to the rumors, and there were even criticisms that it was too fast. Normally, I don't think it's that fast (laughs), but I can understand why people would think that, because the tension is swirling like a whirlwind of incomprehensible rage.

When I hear "Power Metal", the first thing I think of is this band.