I found a polka-dot guitar strap, so I put it on my Les Paul.
That's pretty good.
The Japanese anti-heroism metal rock band "Kanashibari" Watanabe Kazuki (Vo&G) reveals the inside of his brain.
Video uploaded to Instagram
I uploaded a new video to Instagram.
The background music is "Where's the Black?" by Kanashibari.
Murakami Ryu's Dishes Stories
I love this short story.
I've read it dozens of times and it's become very ragged.
I want to make a video like SIN CITY
I uploaded a video to Instagram.
This is a guitar solo for Five IQ.
How can I create a video with a texture like Sin City?
When the seven colors shine
Finger Ease.
One squirt on the strings of your guitar or bass and the strings instantly start to glow seven different colors, your hands start to glow seven different colors, the volume coming out of the guitar doubles, the neck splits in two, the head of course splits in two, and your left hand moves over the strings as fast as a red comet (meaning three times faster than normal). Your left hand will move over the strings as fast as a red comet (meaning three times as fast as normal, if you're right-handed), your right hand will pluck down the strings as fast as a machine gun (if you're right-handed), right-handers will become left-handers, left-handers will become right-handers, you'll be able to play any song you know and any song you don't know, punks' mohawks will stand upside down like hedgehogs, rock 'n' rollers' regalia will be a thing of the past, and you'll be able to play any song you want. A punk's mohawk stands upside down like a hedgehog, a rock 'n' roller's regent gets caught in an automatic door, heavy metal spews hellfire from its mouth, the end of the year is a busy time, CDs are made to order on disc-on-demand, it's summer all year round, drums are played in space, people drink canned chuhai and despair about their tongues, the band survives despite a change in vocalists, and a novel with a cool title is written. A novel with a cool title is made into a movie, and analog records overtake CDs...
In short, it's a magic spray.
I found it when I was cleaning out my room. I have no idea when I bought it. It's probably the only Finger Ease I've ever bought in my life. The number of times I've used it is probably in the single digits.
I've often seen guitarists and bassists spraying the neck (or rather, the fingerboard) of their guitars and basses at live music venues, but I just found out that spraying directly on the fingerboard is a bad idea. I just found out that it's not good to spray directly on the fingerboard, because it damages the fingerboard and neck. Well, I guess it depends on how much you spray.
I wonder if anyone needs this finger-ease.
This is the Kanashibari Channel, where it is rumored that if you listen to this, various parts of your body will start to glow in seven different colors. Subscribe to the channel and you too can shine in seven different colors!
It's the end of the fiscal year
Today is the 31st of March. I'm sure everyone is busy with this and that.
March 31st is the day when the Eiffel Tower, the symbol of the French capital Paris, was completed. The tower itself was completed on March 15, 1889, but since it opened on March 31, the official date of completion is March 31, 1889. That means that March 31 is a busy day for everyone.
Speaking of March 31, the Ministry of Justice announced that the total population of Japan surpassed 100 million on March 31, 1966. It's a good thing. The population is expected to drop below 100 million by 2048 and to 86 million by 2060. The number is expected to drop again below 100 million by 2048, to around 86 million by 2060. That means that March 31 will be a busy day for all of you.
By the way, it has nothing to do with March 31st, but it seems that the KISS Ukiyoe that I introduced in the Pop Art Showdown has appeared in Japanese textbooks.
KISS Ukiyoe "Kissing Four Great Heads" published in a Japanese junior high school art textbook
It seems to be an introduction to the "print" technique, but is this KISS Ukiyo-e a real print? I thought they were just designed to look like that, but I guess not.
Oh, and I heard that March 31st is Mr. Santayo Viper's birthday. Happy birthday to him!
If you don't hurry up and subscribe to the Kanashibari Channel before the year changes, you'll be in big trouble!
From 1 CD
If you've ever tried to sell something with inventory, you know that you don't want to be carrying inventory.
When a CD label or a band or a musician produces a CD, of course the parties involved are going to have inventory. No matter how huge a warehouse you have, space is finite, and you can't hold an infinite amount of inventory. This is why CDs of bands that have broken up are sometimes discontinued. Of course, even if a band doesn't break up, they often discontinue their CDs due to various reasons.
This is why there is a service called "Disc on Demand". It's a service where you can order a single copy and have it produced to order. Of course, the profit margin that is returned to the artist or label is lower, but the best part is that you don't have to carry inventory, which is a benefit that can turn your whole world upside down.
I haven't used such a service yet, and I don't have any plans to make anything new at the moment, but just the other day I was vaguely thinking that if I were to make another CD, I might as well use Disc On Demand.
Then, today, I heard the news that Amazon's "Amazon Disc on Demand" will be discontinued.
I thought, "Oh, maybe there weren't enough users," so I looked into it, but I wondered if Amazon had made such an announcement. I couldn't find any such announcement from Amazon, but I did see a few companies other than Amazon withdrawing their services. I didn't see any such announcement from Amazon, but I did see a few companies other than Amazon withdrawing from the market, so I guess it's not that popular.
So, when I took a closer look at the contents of the "Disc on Demand" service, I realized that it's not for "CDs" but for "CD-Rs". It's natural to think of it as a "one copy minimum" service, but I guess that might be a point of resistance for the general public.
It doesn't matter if it's a CD or CD-R, the music inside is the same.
The only place where you can check out Kanashibari's new songs, which are currently not planned to be released on CD or CD-R, is on the Kanashibari Channel! Hurry up and subscribe to the channel!
Is it included?
I was thrown into despair when I heard that today was supposed to be a "summer day," meaning that the maximum temperature would be 25 degrees Celsius, but in reality, it only got up to about 23 degrees Celsius. In fact, it only got up to about 23 degrees Celsius around me.
Even so, I've been lambasted for calling it a "summer day" when it's over 25 degrees Celsius. In the real summer, it's supposed to be around 40 degrees Celsius. Around me.
Come to think of it, the highest temperature above 25 degrees Celsius is called a summer day, above 30 degrees Celsius is called a midsummer day, and above 35 degrees Celsius is called a heat wave day. I used to think that summer days, midsummer days, and heat wave days were separate things, but according to this definition, midsummer days are included in summer days, and heat wave days are included in summer days and midsummer days. Highball and chuhai are not separate, but chuhai is a substitute for highball whisky with shochu (so chuhai is included in highball).
I wondered how much hotter it had gotten in recent years, and found this article.
Annual number of summer days, midsummer days, extremely hot days, and tropical nights in the district
This PDF came up in a direct search, but from the URL, it looks like "in the ward" means "Chiyoda Ward. I don't live in Chiyoda Ward, but I'm sure it's the same everywhere in the 23 wards.
This is only up to 2019, but in 2019, there were 126 summer days, 55 midsummer days, and 12 extremely hot days.
That's 126 summer days!
Over 1/3 of the year is summer? One out of every three days is summer?
That's amazing...
By the way, in 1920, there were 95 summer days, 38 midsummer days, and 0 extremely hot days. Japan has a beautiful climate.
Kanashibari is the embodiment of the beauty of the four seasons. Subscribe to our channel and feel the changing of the seasons!
Cosmic Sound
I wonder how sound sounds in zero gravity.
Gravity is not supposed to have anything to do with the propagation of sound, but what does it really mean? It is said that gravity has nothing to do with the way we hear sound, because sound is a vibration of air. Well, I don't know if people can actually tell the difference by listening to the sound.
This is because I've been reminded of the importance of reverb for the past few days.
Reverb is "an effect that adds reverberation and reflections to sound to create a sense of spatial depth and breadth" in general.
To tell you the truth, I didn't really know what reverb was. I didn't realize how important a role it plays.
Especially in the old days, bands would say, "I like the sound of this place, so let's record here! I wondered what kind of albums have been recorded in unusual places, and when I looked it up, I found an album recorded in space.
Space Sessions: Songs From A Tin Can" was recorded on board the International Space Station by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, but he didn't record all the parts in space. It seems to be just songs and guitars. I'm really interested to hear how the drums sound in zero gravity.
As a companion for space travel, I recommend the Kanashibari Channel, which was not recorded in space, but it is somewhat space-like!
A Can of Chuhai Named Despair
Highball = Whiskey with carbonation
Chuhai = shochu with carbonation
I thought it was "highball". Until now. But it's not.
Highball" is indeed "whiskey with carbonation," but the substitute for it with shochu is "shochu highball," or "chuhai. Originally, "chuhai" was born as a substitute for "highball," so rather than "highball" and "chuhai" being juxtaposed, "chuhai" is positioned as a backward-compatible version of "highball. I've only recently started drinking chuhai, so I didn't know that at all.
The Kanashibari Channel is a ray of light found in the midst of despair. Let's get out of the depths of despair by subscribing to the channel!
Stone Temple Pilots
Scott Weiland, the vocalist of Stone Temple Pilots, died a long time ago, but I didn't know they were still going.
Stone Temple Pilots "Tiny Music" 25th Anniversary Edition on sale with a sample of one unreleased track
As I wrote in the article "Blind Melon and Dokken", I think there are a lot of foreign bands that change their vocalists and survive.
Blind Melon, Dokken...
Almost Transparent Blue
In search of cool "titles" from all over the world, I set out for a phantom continent that has been passed down since ancient times, traversed mountains, valleys, and storms, was hit by rain, waterfalls, and even lightning, listened to birds chirping, admired flowers, ate sweet bread, and dozed off with my eyes dripping, and sure enough, there it was. This is what I found.
Almost Transparent Blue
That's right. I think it's a title that no one will ever forget, because it's so impactful without using difficult words. It's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of "cool titles.
Needless to say, "Blue is Nearly Transparent" is Ryu Murakami's debut novel, which won the Akutagawa Prize. I have read the novel many times. I like "Fascism of Love and Illusion" among his works, but now I feel like reading "Coin Locker Babies" for the first time in a long time.
This novel is being made into a movie, isn't it? I wondered how they made it into a movie, so I looked it up, but it was not available on DVD, only on VHS. Not even a fragment of the video is available on Youtube. To be honest, my expectations are not that high, but I would like to see it. I'd like to feel the atmosphere of that time period rather than the perfection of the film.
The movie was not available, but the soundtrack was uploaded. It's good. I can't get enough of the "that era" feeling. One of the songs on the soundtrack was Carmen Maki's "Pale White Sunset," and I had never heard of her before. I've known her name for a very long time, but this is probably the first time I've heard her music. Her voice in this song reminds me a lot of Mayumi Gorawa's, doesn't it? I don't feel that way when I listen to other songs, though. The singers of that era were unbelievably good.
Kanashibari is sure to be made into a movie at some point. Subscribe to the channel while you can and be ahead of the times!
Analog vinyl records will overtake CDs...almost
Dr. Strangelove
Welcome, seared Sakhalin shishamo, dead
The "Seared Sakhalin Shishamo" sold at 100 yen Lawson is delicious. When I first tried it, I thought it was good, but it was too salty. So I didn't buy it for a while, but when I tried it the other day, the saltiness was just right, and it was good for drinking. I don't know if they secretly made minor changes or if my palate has become dull. I don't trust my own tongue at all, so the mystery only deepens.
So today, the music video for "Welcome Dead" has finally been released!
The song that I wrote about in the "Search for Mistakes" section the other day, "the song that has a lot of the word "welcome" in it," is exactly this song. Some of the subtitles for the word "welcome" in the chorus were changed to "welcame". I think it's all fixed, but I'm not sure. If you find anything that hasn't been fixed, please forget about it immediately.
Speaking of "Welcome Dead," it used to be the first song we almost always played at gigs. However, the song "Welcome Dead" released today is no longer the same as the song "Welcome Dead" that was included in the third track of the first EP "Underworld". Or rather, it is no longer a different song if it has changed so much.
In addition to the song "Welcome Dead" released today, the Kanashibari Channel is full of other great songs. Subscribe to the channel before you eat the seared Sakhalin shishamo!
Jazz Model
Spot the difference
Let's watch the Kanashibari Channel again and again to find the mistakes! Subscribe to the channel first!
The thing that tourists visiting Japan from overseas buy without knowing why
My old blog
A long time ago, I was writing a blog. It was way before I started Kanashibari, back when primitive people were still biting into the meat of mammoth slices.
When I was writing yesterday's article, I couldn't find a picture of my Guild X79, so I thought, "I must have posted it on my blog back then," and logged on to the service for the first time in a long time (the blog itself is now closed).
By the way, the access analysis of blog services is basically padded (although I don't know about that now), but even if you take that out of the equation, it was a blog with quite a lot of access. I was often told by people I met for the first time at live music venues that they were looking at my blog.
I don't remember what kind of things I used to write on such a popular blog, but I thought, "I remember it was something like this note," but when I took a look at it, I was surprised at how little volume there was in each article.
I was surprised to find that the volume of each article was small, though some of them were as large as this recent note. And there are a lot of articles that are clearly "written in a drunken state"... or rather, most of them can be said to be "written in a drunken state". It's true that most of my memories of those days are of drinking for bottoms up. It's horrible.
I wrote a few articles about the Guild X79, but I didn't post any pictures of the guitar, which is the most important thing, and I just used funny pictures I found on the Internet.
What the hell did I want to say at that time?
The Kanashibari Channel is more interesting than blogs and notes. Let's subscribe to the channel and muddle the waters!
Lizard's hand
I don't remember when I last went to Ochanomizu, but even though I don't have any equipment fetish, it is still a town that makes my blood boil.
In Ochanomizu, the "magic town", I bought a transformable guitar on impulse.
Guild's X79.
I'm sure I took some pictures of it myself, but I couldn't find them, so you can see what it looks like at the link above. The one I bought was also in this color, blue.
By the way, I found out for the first time from the above link that Twisted Sister also used this guitar. I have no memory of the instruments they used.
I still like the shape of this horribly deformed X79, don't you? For some reason, it reminds me of a lizard or a gecko's hand.
But I ended up selling this one. The shape is good, but the body is small and the neck is short (short scale), so it's not cool to stand with it. It's hard to pull when sitting down, and it's not good when standing up, so I had no choice but to ask him to leave.
This guitar is more blue than black. The slightly metallic blue color is strangely suited to this shape. Even looking at it now, it still attracts me for some reason.
I wonder why they didn't make it a bit bigger.
If you listen to this, you can become a bigger person! Subscribe to the channel and become a bigger person!
Sweet bread
When there is sweet bread and sour bread, I eat the sweet bread first. I've been caught doing this five times in my life, and I'm not kidding when I say that I've had my eyes peeled open in surprise.
When you're hungry, you want to eat sweets more, right? Because when you are hungry, your blood sugar level is lower. And as you get closer to satiety, the craving for sweets decreases, doesn't it?
That's why I eat sweet things first. It's a sign of my desire to "enjoy the taste" as much as possible. In other words, it's a global kindness, and in the end, it's love.
But it's not an exaggeration; people are surprised when they peel their eyes open. The people who are surprised with their eyes wide open say in unison, "Because dessert is after dinner! The point is. In short, they say, "Sweet desserts are eaten after a meal, so sweet bread should be eaten at the end of a meal. Or, to put it more crudely, "Sweet things are a reward, so you should save them for the end! Mookie! That's what they said. But when my hunger is satisfied and my blood sugar level rises, I don't want to eat sweets so much.
So today I had a sweet bread with almond cream and a tuna-mayonnaise sandwich for lunch. Of course, I had the sweet bread with almond cream first, whether I said so or not.
No one said anything to me, though. No one saw me eat it.
If you listen to it, your blood sugar level will go up! Before you eat that sweet bread, subscribe to the Kanashibari Channel!
Packed with all the desire you can muster
This is a tote bag. Is it just me, or does this design have a certain literary flavor to it? I don't carry a tote bag myself, though. You can fill this tote bag with whatever you desire!
Also, this is similar to a tote bag.
It's a pouch. I wonder if the word "leaden desire" is suitable for the bag system. For some reason, it reminds me of Kinjiro Ninomiya.
Limp Bizkit
I made this using yesterday's brushstroke, "The Evil Bullet"!
Baby bib
Yes, it is. I think the official name is "baby bibs". In short, it's a "drool cover. When you're drooling and drooling and drooling, you should casually put this on. That is the etiquette of a lady and gentleman. Also, if you see someone who just can't stop drooling, it's smart to quickly put this on them.
Also, I made this one too!
Baby rompers
I think it's called a romper. In short, it is a "tuna. The size is perfect for people who are about 80cm tall, so if you are just right, please buy it.
And then there are some other things like T-shirts.
Or a hoodie.
One thing I like a lot is the phone case. The slight protrusion is very cool.
Phone case
I just counted and I've made 30 kinds of goods. No seriously, there are so many, you can choose anything you want!
I'd like to say that this is the "worst" way to do things, but from the perspective of behavioral economics, this is the "worst" way. However, from a behavioral economics point of view, this is the "worst" approach. Therefore, the theory is to narrow down the options to about three, and set the one you want to sell the most at the middle price, the so-called "pine, bamboo and plum" style.
So, if you want to sell "Yodare Kake", you can sell it together with "Can Badge" and "Hoodie". Let's focus on those three...
The more you listen to it, the more you can't stop drooling. Get your slobbering ready before you subscribe!
The World of Kanashibari
I pay a lot of attention to the song titles for Kanashibari. I try to choose words that are true to Kanashibari's worldview and still have an impact. It's quite obvious, but "faithful to the world view" is a very important point. In the end, Kanashibari is all about the worldview.
For example...
A bullet
Ring the bell to kill us all
Dance with one eye
Greed Faker
Mother Goose of Blasphemy
Crazy in the White Night
Lead Lust
The Age of Speed Madness
and more.
By the way, the song "Five IQ," whose music video was released the other day, was originally going to be called "De-tarame Bastard," as the song repeatedly says "De-tarame Yaro-o. However, at the end of the song, I suddenly became curious and searched for "De-tarame Bastard". And I found that there was already a song like that. I was so surprised. I was so confident in my originality.
I'm not particular about "making every song a name that doesn't exist in the world," but "Bullshit Bastard" is a pretty impressive song title, isn't it? And the person who played the song with the impactful title was also a very famous artist, right? So I thought, "I don't want people to think I'm just copying him," and changed the name to "Five IQ.
I wanted to make the world of Kanashibari better known, so I made this as a test.
The pain in my left ankle, which you are most concerned about now, is much better than yesterday. I don't think the pain when I press on the affected area has changed, but the pain when I walk or step on it is almost gone. It hurts when I push it, though.
By the way, when I was searching my left foot yesterday, I noticed that there was a pressure point that was very effective for this ankle pain. According to my research, it's called "Yanglingquan," and it's located on the outside of my foot, in the concave area just below the round bone diagonally below the knee plate. It hurts a lot when I press the "Yanglingquan" point on my left foot, but it feels good and the pain in my ankle is relieved a lot. Currently, I can press the same part on my right foot, but it neither hurts nor feels good.
Incidentally, Yangling Spring is said to be effective mainly for "tired legs and tight muscles," but it is also said to be effective for migraines. I rarely get them, but I do have migraines, so I'll give it a try next time I get one.
I wonder what caused the pain in my ankles this time.
The Kanashibari sound is said to work well anyway. I'll have to subscribe to the channel and find out what it's good for!
Left ankle
My left ankle has been hurting since this morning.
I woke up in the middle of the night. At that time, I thought, "My left ankle hurts," but I fell asleep again.
When I woke up in the morning, I found that my left ankle hurt so badly that I had trouble walking.
The ankle, or rather, the pain was pinpointed to a single spot on the front side of my ankle, and I could clearly see where it was. The type of pain was completely bruised. It's exactly the pain of a bruise, and it hurts when you press on it. But there is no internal bleeding as I can see.
I have no idea what it is. Yesterday afternoon, I carried a heavy amp head weighing about 20 kilograms and moved it around, but I didn't twist my ankle or hit it when I did that. I didn't feel anything until I went to bed.
It was really hard to walk when I first woke up, but the pain has gone down a lot and I can walk normally now. Now I can walk normally, though it hurts when I press it, and it hurts even when I stand still.
I wondered if it was possible for my ankle to suddenly start hurting, so I did some research and found out that it could be caused by gout. I had thought that gout was caused by the feet, but I heard that it can also be caused by the ankles. That's scary. The amount of alcohol I've been drinking lately is pretty small, but looking back on my life, I can think of a lot of things that could have caused this.
At any rate, I can hardly walk anymore, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
This kind of thing can happen, so please be careful! I don't know how to be careful at all!
The Kanashibari sound is rumored to have analgesic properties. Subscribe to this channel to get pain relief for your left ankle!